The Eternal march begins!

Chaos warriors are in a strange situation as a kit. On the one hand they are in an army that -more so than any other perhaps- lends itself to customization and conversion (which is one of the things that drew me to chaos in the first place), but on the other hand the kit -while great looking- is rather plain, there isn't much you can do to make a warrior different from another beyond a simple head-swap or giving them a different weapon.

So what is one to do when they put their mind to making chosen, and not just chosen, but chosen with the classical sword and board load-out so common to chaos warriors (and also one I have around 40 other warriors with)?

I couldn't exactly easily spruce up the torso's, nor could I really give them interesting looking weapons in the form of halberds or great weapons, and the kit isn't one that lends itself to different poses either. These limitations in mind I decided to focus on the heads, but I'm not going to stop at a simple headswap, I'm going to give them custom helmets designed to evoke my chaos lords own distinctive visage (pictures of him when I get around to it) while also giving the regiment a sense of grim uniformity.

And so were born the Eternals, a regiment of chosen that give up their individuality to better serve their master, skull faced warriors that shall hack down whatever is in their way with grim resolve!

 The base for the helmet is made from two elements, a skull (common in GW products) which has its back filed away until it fits and a chaos warrior helmet (which has the top-front quarter (ish) removed to accommodate the new addition.

The helmet is then covered with a greenstuffed hood (this took more tries than I am proud to admit before I just googled how to do it and found a handy tutorial.)
Basically, the greenstuff is molded into a "hat" on top of the helmet, before being pulled down and forwards with multiple small motions of the sculpting tool.

(If you are wondering about the greenstuff on the shoulders? Its just there to cover for a gap between the torso and back on the chaos warrior model)

Overall I dont think the process is particularly difficult, but theres a whole lot of warriors left to do so I shall post further when all is said and done and I have the regiment to display for your amusement.


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