A sound of thunder.
No evil horde is complete without a war machine, with that logic in mind I KNEW I had to have a hellcannon for my chaos army.
There is just one small snag in that plan, or rather two, the original hellcannnon model is out of production (and INCREDIBLY expensive to obtain) and I don't really like it (I think its a fine model, but im not the biggest fan of it, I want my hellCANNON to look more cannon like (this criticism also applies to its rules). Think of that weapon from the first Gotrex and Felix book.)
Knowing this I decided to go with an idea I had back when the world still made sense, I was too poor to do any of this stuff, and Warhammer Fantasy wasn't cancelled. I would use the Ogre Ironblaster as the base for my conversion, its an already brutal looking model and with some chaos gubbinz and a more mutated mount it would fit right in with any ruinous horde.
And so was born The Thunderer.
The first order of business was the beast pulling the thing, and thats where the demon face that comes with the Weirdnob Shaman came in useful, a face that conveniently went unused when I made Murghur (check out the last project to see what happened to the bits that were used)
The face, in combination with horns from the Chaos Chariot kit, were greenstuffed to the Rhinox body (fur is an aspect of sculpting I have gotten rather confident in) to create this adorable little monstrocity. While you may notice that he gets some more horns (made from the Rhinox tusks that came with the kit) later on, the overall design can be seen here)
Beyond that the kit was assembled largely vanilla
The demon statue from the Warshrine kit was used as background detail in place of the supplies and ammunition thats supposed to be on the kit - as an aside this was a hassle to get in place, I had to pin it in position to keep it straight- hellcannon is a potent dedication to the chaos gods and I felt there should be something to reflect that. In addition the ogre cannonneer had some fur sculpted on for decoration and visual flair. The cannon itself I left bare, I have some plans for how I might paint it and a draped pelt doesent factor in.
Finally I attacked a simple chaos star to the gaping maw that goes over the top of the kit, its a simple addition but I feel like it works nicely.
I may end up going back and adding some more details to the model, perhaps a fuselage made from unused chariot fornt-ends might be nice? But on the whole im fairly happy with how this turned out. Its not too big or grand but its nice and has that little personal touch.
Now I just need some more primer before I can paint this thing....
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